Cloonmore Mining & Energy have provided fleet planning service to iron ore and gold miners in Western Australia. Fleet Planning is the process of ensuring that the right asset is available at the right time to enable the mine plan to be executed. The mine plan and whole of life equipment plan drives additional equipment requirements, equipment replacements at end of life and opportunities to retire without replacement.
Getting the right assets up front is a key part of a good asset plan; this includes matching upstream and downstream capacity (i.e. dig fleet to haul fleet, while also matching the fixed plant capacity) and overall operation size. Cloonmore can refine an existing asset plan, or build one from scratch, including opportunities to optimise the asset over the lifecycle.
Cloonmore Asset Planning begins at the decision to operate – matching the mine /production plan with the optimal assets to execute. The asset plan links the maintenance, utilisation and production / performance critical requirements. Capital Expenditure and budgeting are driven by the asset plan.
Cloonmore has managed the process of plan, procure, deliver and operate across large fleet numbers within the iron ore supply chain.